The Edge Of Balance

Full Circle

Full Circle
It’s so quiet after visiting hours
not like death
but like life suspended
I settle myself for another night
in dim stillness
just to be with her
watching over her
as she had done for so many
I try to read but can’t concentrate
I shut my eyes
but it’s not sleep
mostly I just sit
looking at her
talking to her
holding her hand
connecting to her
until I can’t
her motionless body looks peaceful
waiting now until she’s ready
for this part of her journey to end
I want to be with her for the last breath
I want to comfort and protect her
as she did for me at first breath
we’ve come full circle
my wonderful mother and friend
so wise and funny and right
so kind and honest
a beautiful example for the world
it’s an honor to be with her now
I’m not sad
well maybe a little
but I’m content with love and memories
and knowing that
we both did our job as best we could
I wouldn’t trade these moments
for any others
everything is as it should be

— DL Madsen