Spanky Rump's Carnival Ride

Getting Religion

Getting Religion
saw a headline today
guns are a religion now
so this is where we’re at
in the age of trump
guns and religion
in the same breath
it’s unsettling
difficult to read
more difficult to say
and come to terms with
all in the guise of
faith and family values
in a country
founded on freedom
from religious persecution
to think guns and christianity
are the only religions
we now protect
in the age of trump

but the NRA smiles
gun makers and sellers smile
our supposed leader smirks
and looks away
while Americans are scared
from the selling and buying of fear
by men without religion
and where are we going
how is worshiping guns
the answer to anything
I fear time rolling backwards
a black hole of civility
a darker age
the age of trump

— Anomynous Lee