Driving With My Knees

No World For Empaths

No World For Empaths
the therapist said
wake up
this is no world for empaths
people are fucked up
were you dropped head first
into the empathy vat and forgotten
you’re drowning in it
maybe your parents didn’t like you she said

I thought they did I said weakly
having never considered the idea
until that moment

you are dripping empathy
I can see it in your eyes
it’s oozing from your pores
vultures smell it
hell California condors
from two thousand fucking miles away
and every lousy miserable human bloodsucker in between
are probably sitting in the trees outside
waiting for a piece of you right now she added

I didn’t expect that
California condors shit
so what do I do I asked

yeah wow uh
that’s a tough one
you’re pretty fucked
kind of like dead man walking
but I wouldn’t dwell on it she said with a smile
walking me toward the door
remember it’s cruel out there
no world for empaths she said
with a wink and a nod
like it was our little secret
and best of luck she added
through the closing door

I walked to the elevator
and just stood
afraid to push the button
afraid to go outside
not able to move
I guess I feel better I said
to the elevator door

— C Driver