Batshit Crazy
just plain batshit crazy
called me every vile thing
they could come up with
and when I didn’t engage
they taunted me
with p words
pathetic pussy pantywaist
the stuff of junior high bullies
they’d call my phone
scream obscenities
and hang up
I’d call to talk to my kids
they’d answer instead
and hang up
I’d call back
but I couldn’t get through
for days sometimes
when I did get to speak to my kids
the captors were often
screaming in the background
or they’d grab the phone away
slam it down and unplug it
and when they got really paranoid
afraid of losing their prized objects
they would listen in
to what should have been
private conversations
they took the kids out of school early
to travel out of state
on my court assigned holiday weekends
laughing all the way I’m sure
while I was the last car in the lot
who are you waiting for sir
they called the police
when I pulled in the driveway
to pick up my kids
and then when I waited in the street
disparaged me
to anyone within earshot
just constant harassment
they must have been really afraid of me
they were almost predictable
but dealing with sociopaths
is batshit crazy
for any average person
and impossible for innocent children
the unfortunate captives
in all that insanity
if only I could have
simply plucked them out
taken them home
and loved them
the way every child in the world
should be loved
and free of fear
why couldn’t it be that easy
—DL Madsen