To Prick The Festering Boil

What It Is

What It Is
few people knew my situation
I tried not to talk about it
it was embarrassing
didn’t understand it myself
even when I made the choice
that landed me there
it’s hard to admit
that I had any connection
with people so untethered
who wanted nothing more
than to pull me into the cesspool
they swam in
but in writing about it
it’s important to be honest
and the honest thing is
to call them exactly what they are
that’s all they deserve
they’re not pretty
they haven’t acted pretty
you can’t make them pretty
perfume or lipstick or a nicer word
doesn’t change who they are
so after all these years
I don’t need to scream
like they did at me
I’ll just write words
for honesty’s sake
which leaves no choice
you just have to call shit
exactly what it is

—DL Madsen