Evil Energizer Bunnies
their insanity
just wears a person out
evil energizer bunnies
dodge and weave
punch and run
zig and zag
punch and run and hide
twist and shout
scream and punch and run and hide
the tough guys
are always insecure and afraid
their fear makes them desperate
and dangerous
and they never run out of juice
they just keep going
they must never sleep
thinking of how to mess with people
and pretending to be happy
that takes a lot of energy
but note to self
no person who is really happy
emotionally healthy
with even a scintilla of self awareness
ever spends one moment of time
trying to hurt another person
my wise mother told me
it doesn’t take much of a person to be miserable
but it takes one hell of a person
to deal with the miserable people
and it has been truly exhausting
trying to be one hell of a person all these years
—DL Madsen