Two Thirds Gone

As Normal As Normal Is

As Normal As Normal Is
I’m not a hater
but I hate shopping Harlan said
I feel like we’re cattle or ants

almost done Norma said
a couple more things

sometimes it just hits me
this insanity said Harlan
people scurrying everywhere
most oblivious to the rest
makes me anxious

whirling orbs of energy Norma said
all on their own path

well I like whirling in open space
I don’t like the chaos Harlan said

it’s the rhythm of the earth now
everything’s speeding up said Norma

can’t keep up anymore Harlan said
we’re already two thirds gone
and slowing down
I need space

I hear you said Norma
but we get bound up in life
it’s hard to escape

how do we stay balanced Harlan said
with broken souls spinning everywhere
banging into everything
we can’t get out of the way
bangs us up too

everybody’s broken Harlan Norma said
crazy thing is I think you and I
are as normal as normal is

now that’s a crazy thought said Harlan
maybe we’re not as limited as some
at least we make an effort

true that Norma said
we navigate it all pretty well
for old crazy normal people

we are odd though said Harlan
odd and normal
it could be worse

well odd or not
our lives forced us to look deeper
it makes a difference Norma said
a lot of people can’t do that

too much apathy and ignorance
willful or not self absorbed
thinking they’re in control Harlan said

but none of them really are said Norma

they see us as old nut jobs Harlan laughed
that quiet little odd couple
with all the balanced stones in their yard
and flowers all over the place

gotta let them think it Harlan
can’t fix it
and why should we care Norma said

I don’t care Harlan said
it’s just people being people
I’m just ready to whirl away
to a wizardless Oz

we’re pretty lucky overall said Norma

I know
but I could still use more space
I wanna be invisible Harlan said

well this is our space at the moment dear
and I think we’re already invisible
but unless you want to shop some more
let’s go check out said Norma

fresh air Harlan said
let’s get outta here

— Harlan