Talking To Ourselves
no pretending
to be great poets
or to know more than we know
just common voices
woven in and out
of a lifetime of
supporting each other
holding each other accountable
loving each other
talking to each other
and to ourselves
searching for truth
seeking awareness
trying to make sense
out of no sense
and then just writing it down
because we have to
it’s never too late
for a few simple voices
to trust the universe
—DL Madsen
Poet Voices
— C Driver
Cool Driver keeps it real and interesting on that long strange road in Driving With My Knees.
— Anomynous Lee
It’s a spin-for-all in Spanky Rump’s Carnival Ride. “That con man reality star president Spanky Rump reminds me of someone” says Lee, who prefers to remain incognito due to the unmarked blacked out government vans cruising the streets.
— DL Madsen
No person wants to have to write the poems in To Prick The Festering Boil, about the broken people of an abusive culture and the innocent people who got in their way.
The Edge Of Balance frames life, love, loss, and finding the balance that keeps you moving.
— Harlan
Life is about Two Thirds Gone for Harlan and Norma, if they’re lucky, so they’re making the best of the rest. Every day is an adventure.