Driving With My Knees

ah crap. Sylvia. big hair. cat eye glasses. coming this way. smiling. I’m screwed. worked with her one day. an hour or so. brief generic jabber. then out of the blue she starts bringing me food. casseroles. always tuna and green beans. I try to politely decline. she doesn’t hear me. and she won’t take no. I take ‘em just so she’ll go away. I’m too damn nice. to everybody. it’s my curse. I blame my parents. damn it. she’s got a dish. please no. please walk on by. I still have two crusty untouched casseroles on my counter now. I don’t like ‘em. I don’t eat ‘em. so they sit. until my nice guy guilt subsides. then I toss ‘em in the garbage. I can’t do this anymore. I’m sure she’s lovely. but on a totally different planet. a 1950’s planet. how do I get into to these things. how do I get out. well. here we go. oh hi Sylvia. really. for me. again. you shouldn’t. oh green beans and tuna. what a surprise. no I didn’t exactly mean it was my favorite. I said my mother made it all the time. fish sticks too. part of my negative culinary childhood experience. but your cooking has a good personality. it’s just too much. for my one stomach. no I’m just saying I think others might enjoy your food too. the homeless. or Fred the janitor. maybe spread the joy. I’m more than happy to share. no I do appreciate your effort. I’m just taking kind of a food break. that’s all. from food. for my health. lifestyle change. what do you mean bullshit. wait. what. you’re kidding right. how can I dump you. I never picked you up. what are you even talking about. intense. passionate. are you serious. I didn’t feel anything. no I’m not trying to be an asshole. we barely talked. one time. what. I didn’t give you any kind of look. that wasn’t longing. I have watery eyes. and a twitch. what did you just call me. oh yeah well tuna and green beans make me gag. really. well you suck more. nothing’s over. there was nothing to begin with. wowa Sylvia. you are cray cray. OWWWWW. you just twisted my nipple off. I can’t believe you did that. why would I deserve it. don’t touch me. why are you crying. I should be the one crying. you’re making a big scene. I’m walking away now. let’s both just walk away. happy. let’s all be happy. why are you yelling. no don’t follow me. no crying. not fair. yeah well my face doesn’t want to see your face again either. wow. what did you say. I’m not going to bite. zipping my lip now. tossing the key. not gonna say it. no I’m not. not gonna. won’t. can’t make me. I’m done. I’m walking away. no I am not a pussy. I’m not that either. or that. jeez you made that one up. okay you’re going too far now. whoa. you just took it to another level. you’re pushing it. okay. that’s over the line. I wasn’t going to. I tried not to. too late for diplomacy. you pinched my button hard. SO GUESS WHAT SYLVIA. I DUMPED ALL YOUR STUPID TUNA BEAN CASSEROLES IN THE TRASH. there. I feel better now. so bye bye Sylvia. hey. no. what are you doing. Sylvia. no. no. Sylvia. no. please. no. put it down. count to ten. Sylvia. wait. don’t do it. we can be friends. at work. work friends. no Sylvia. no. don’t. please. Sylvia. AWWWSHHHITTT. what a frickin’ mess. well maybe you can throw your casserole on me Sylvia. but you can’t make me eat it. whoa now. Sylvia. what are you doing. get away. Sylvia. no. don’t. Sylvia no…………..

—C Driver

Driving With My Knees

always waiting
for the rainbow
the sun to shine
the stars to shoot
the next big thing
the next big deal
the next big opportunity
I can feel it he says
it’s my time
stuffs happenin’
it’s in the works
the tide’s turnin’
I’ll be ridin’ high
my ship’s coming’ in
jackpot city
cash my ticket
the golden goose
set for life
it only takes one
it’s a new day
my luck is about to change
and I feel like a million bucks
hey man
can you spot me twenty

—C Driver

Driving With My Knees

The Great Dimming
the reflection of earth’s light
onto the dark side of the moon
is dimming
it remained constant
until the last several years
when the brightness took a dive
lots of theories
so here’s mine

a certain clown former president
and his circus entourage
have taken bright
to a new level of low
this disturbing dim
doesn’t reflect well
onto the moon
or other countries on earth
and most importantly
on our own intelligence
and it’s a yuge problem
they call themselves
best and brightest
but the reality is
they’re a bunch of short circuits
dimming the shine
which is great for star gazing
not so great for democracy
and an unfortunate reflection
on us all

time to change out
the dim and flickering bulbs
take the shades off our windows
the blinders off our apathy
and resurrect the light
of who we really are
before the dimness
being normalized
gets lost in the dark side of the moon
and we have no reflection at all

—C Driver

Driving With My Knees

This Face
rounded the kitchen corner
straight into eyeballs
laser focused on my head
but it felt like they were
all the way up my ass

gave the guy a nod
he just stared
probably zoned out
solving world hunger or something
maybe dreaming
looking somewhere beyond
figured it wasn’t about me
so I sat down across from him
as he was taking a careful bite
of a big floppy slice of pizza
and chewing it slow
like a cow
without blinking
it felt awkward
so I smiled and nodded again
he was stone
except for the sleepy jaw

he was the new handyman
fresh off some petty crime jail time
looking to do better
no judging that
a little standoffish but friendly enough
I had no problem with him
although the conspiratorial giggly girls
claimed he was a serial killer
pretty sure they were joking

so I grabbed a slice
of the communal pizza
casually took a bite
analyzing the walls
but his death ray stare
was searing my brain
pulling me back
like a hot magnet
I felt a little weak
to break the spell I said

how ya doin’

was he deaf
he just stared at my head
from three feet away
until he stopped mid chew
long enough to say

you have a really calm face

so it’s my looks
my calm face
is that a good thing
or was he offended
or concerned for my welfare
the monotone gave no tell
he seemed hypnotized
maybe it was a compliment
should I say thanks
instead I said


with disturbing conviction
he repeated

you have a really calm face

it threw me
accused assaulted guilty
and nowhere to hide
to lighten the moment I said

well you know what they say
about guys with calm faces

he just kept chewing
like a cow
studying every pixel
in my mask of calm
with deep steely eyes
set close in a long stubbled head
time interrupted
before he paused to ask

what do they say

too late to run
so I committed and said

they say
you can never trust em’

zero response
guy just stared
chewed like for an eternity
stood up
and without another word
walked away

I watched him go
calmly wondering
if this face
could get me killed someday

—C Driver

well you know what they say about guys with calm faces

Driving With My Knees

they’re all copping a high
from nature’s pharmacy
of psychoactive goodies
in a lust to feel other than ordinary
to stimulate
spice the routine
alter consciousness
I know the longing

some never partake
some do some
some do more
and some can’t stop

big horn sheep
would leap the tallest building
to get to their favorite lichen dealer
and scrape their gums raw to get it all
then waltz along a sheer cliff face

bees get buzzed
before they get busy
with a shot of locally sourced
caffeine or alcohol
all drunks banned from the hive

reindeer gobble shrooms
then herders drink reindeer pee
and reindeer drink herder’s pee
a gift that keeps giving
so jolly Santa takes long trips
and Rudolph’s always lit

wallabies feast in poppy fields
getting so crazed
they run in wild circles
until they finally crash
smashing the stash

horses get loco
cats nip
birds take a nip
monkeys too
ocean dwellers
even Bigfoot maybe
all jacked up
high on some kind of nature
they taught us well

—C Driver

Driving With My Knees

Real Life Dude
can’t you just say poo


no I mean in your story
instead of the s word

you mean shit

you could’ve said poo

why would I do that

because it sounds nicer

tough guys don’t say poo

they could say poo in your story

you mean like
EAT POO mofo
seriously dude

why do you have to write dirty stuff

it’s just part of what’s out there
I’m trying to be real
it’s how some people talk and live
I can’t close my mind to everything

but two men kissing
that’s gross and queer

hey man the q word
is way worse than the s word

fags make me sick

whoa dude
your words are pointed and hurtful

but you used the big f word
couldn’t you just say
hugging it out

dude what the fuck is wrong with you
it’s two big hairy longshoremen
jeans around their boots
in the dark misty shadows
of a fish stinking dock
go ahead and fantasize
that they’re hugging it out
who knows
maybe they fall in love
get married and have kids
live happily ever after
but that’s a whole other story

it’s all filthy and pisses me off

doesn’t matter what you think
there’s all kinds of people
expressing themselves
all kinds of ways
that’s real life dude
happening as we speak
out of our control
as long as nobody gets hurt
we don’t have to like it
but it’s a waste of energy being mad

I’m not going to read your stories anymore

well reality isn’t for everybody

—C Driver

yeah, well, you know, that’s just, like, your opinion, man

The Dude
Driving With My Knees

Normal/Abnormal Blues (lyrics 1998)
I’m all alone
in my own little space
ain’t got no keys to get out
ain’t got no face
I’m rockin’ and reelin’
I’m bobbin’ and weavin’
it don’t look like I will soon be leavin’
my head is spinnin’ round and round
don’t know if I’m comin’ up
or if I’m going down
cryin’ and talkin’
to no one in particular
but everybody looks at me
like I’m so peculiar
I’m driftin’ and driftin’
gray clouds in my sky
oh doctor give me therapy
or a pill to get me high
nobody listens to me
they don’t hear my call
I feel like bangin’ my head on the wall
it’s all so frustratin’
nobody understands
why I spend hour after hour
just staring at my hands
but I ain’t doing nothin’
but mindin’ my own business
I don’t think I’m insane
I’m just crazy I guess
and I got this feelin’
it aint easy to lose
I’m locked in them normal/abnormal blues
so am I normal
or am I not
it’s impossible to know
from the feelin’ I got
my mind is so tired
I don’t want to think
I’ll know when it happens
if I swim or I sink
and I got this feelin’
it ain’t easy to lose
I’m locked in them normal/abnormal blues

—C Driver

No Keys (2020)
Driving With My Knees

Paradise On Wheels
I can almost feel it
top down
on the old faded yellow MG
hair blowing wild and crazy
driving with my knees
like nobody’s business
down a lonely road somewhere
singing like I was born to
and wailing my harmonica soul
with no one in the world
to tell me I suck
ah man
young and free
movin’ and groovin’
paradise on wheels

—C Driver

Driving With My Knees

What Is Love
a beautiful young lady
was coveted by two men

both wanted to marry her
she wanted neither

they stood man to man
ready to die

but in that moment
their minds met

and so together

they killed

the beautiful young lady

—C Driver

Driving With My Knees

His Kingdom
my neighbor
has a postage stamp front yard
the driveway makes up half of it
but his back yard spreads out
into golf course like splendor
a broad expanse of carefully coifed green
lined in back by a thick woods
of big and mature trees
with a large elevated deck
from which to oversee his kingdom
and he cares for it like a golf course
mows it like every other day
or more
picks up sticks
seed water and feeds it
nurtures it like a baby
a big beautiful mellow green baby
sometimes I think he drives around out there
pretending to mow
just because he loves it that much
and it does look amazing
so after all the years of being neighbors
I still don’t understand why
on the nicest of days
the most glorious of days
when the grass shines
and the trees move gently with the breeze
leaves whisper
birds sing
and the sun and the sky and the clouds
beg our wonderment
dude sits in his garage
overseeing his driveway

—C Driver