The Edge Of Balance

The Light
800 million light years away
in the middle of our galaxy
a big Black Hole
devours bits and pieces of the universe
even light disappears
never to be seen again
or so it was thought
but scientists found the light
they literally saw the light
behind the Black Hole
I guess it was always there
waiting to be found
a beacon of wonder and hope
to urge them forward
in the unfolding story
of human understanding

800 million light years
inside ourselves
seduced into the darkness
of our own black holes
the monster that eats souls
and shuts out the light
it’s easy to lose our lonely selves
in depths of pain
some give in without a fight
some struggle but never find their way
some keep searching
for even a hint of light
a beacon of wonder and hope
to light the journey
to understanding themselves

it’s all about the light

—DL Madsen

The Edge Of Balance


I’m not trying to be intelligent in my writing

I’m just trying to be honest

some writers are both

some neither

I’ll stick with honest

and maybe something intelligent will come of it

—DL Madsen

The Edge Of Balance

it’s easy to focus on things undone
they glare at you
make you uncomfortable

it’s a bummer to disappoint yourself
but I think that’s a half empty notion

living is an experiment
in progress
filled to the brim
with infinite little projects
and infinite little dreams
some we accomplish some not
for an infinite number of reasons

the reward is in doing
not in done

when you stop doing
your brain shrivels up
and you become a lump
just waiting for the undertaker

so maybe a full life
is never having enough time
to do everything

I don’t want to live a day
with nothing left to finish

—DL Madsen

The Edge Of Balance

the energy
the chaos
the teasing
the manipulating
the yelling
the crying
the madness
that ends
in bundles of sweetness
and it’s enough
to break your heart
then they wake up again

— DLMadsen

The Edge Of Balance

Insomnia Insanity

sometimes late at night

I find myself wandering

around my house

in the dim quiet


not thinking really




but not seeing

pausing to lean

against a wall or counter

prisoner of my own space

my own mind

like I’m waiting

for a door to open

or close maybe

that I can’t see

until a voice

snaps me out of it



shut it down

you’re zoned out

wasting energy

waiting for an answer

there is no question to

wake up

go to bed


start again tomorrow

because this

is insanity right now


I think it is

— DL Madsen

The Edge Of Balance

No Better
carpenter no better than a plumber
doctor no better than a nurse
lawyer no better than a client
judge no better than a clerk
boss no better than a secretary
principal no better than a janitor
teacher no better than a student
preacher no better than the flock

why do we give some people
so much power
too much power
just because of title
when in the end
we’re all the same

any one person
could be a liar or thief
a wife beater
or child abuser
an addict
a sexual preditor
or even worse

it’s the same crap shoot
as everything in life
the people in the church pews
aren’t all angels
live your life
but do no harm
do better
but don’t think you’re better
we’re all the same
it’s one leg at a time
just like everybody else

— DL Madsen

The Edge Of Balance

Full Circle
It’s so quiet after visiting hours
not like death
but like life suspended
I settle myself for another night
in dim stillness
just to be with her
watching over her
as she had done for so many
I try to read but can’t concentrate
I shut my eyes
but it’s not sleep
mostly I just sit
looking at her
talking to her
holding her hand
connecting to her
until I can’t
her motionless body looks peaceful
waiting now until she’s ready
for this part of her journey to end
I want to be with her for the last breath
I want to comfort and protect her
as she did for me at first breath
we’ve come full circle
my wonderful mother and friend
so wise and funny and right
so kind and honest
a beautiful example for the world
it’s an honor to be with her now
I’m not sad
well maybe a little
but I’m content with love and memories
and knowing that
we both did our job as best we could
I wouldn’t trade these moments
for any others
everything is as it should be

— DL Madsen

The Edge Of Balance

God And The Squirrel
the old man
was sitting on a bench
in the park
where he walked everyday
enjoying the peace

a young man came walking by and said
what a glorious day

yes it is the old man replied

the young man stopped in front of the bench
how do you see God today sir
he asked

the old man paused before saying
I see that squirrel over there

the young man
slowly turned to see the squirrel
then turning back he said
I see him as the great creator
the supreme being
the real commander and chief
he has given us
the boundless joy of this day

the squirrel asked the old man

no no sir the young guy said
I’m talking about God
not a silly squirrel

how do you know so much about God
the old man asked

I believe
and live by his word and his way
he tells us what to do and we obey
the young man said

so God tells you what to do huh the old man asked
did he tell you to stop and chat with me

not specifically the young man answered
but he’s given me direction
to spread his love and his word

hmm the old man said
where is the boss anyway

God is everywhere the young man said
we only see him in his great works

aah like a reclusive artist
or a dead one
the old man grinned

God is never visible as God
the younger man said

well I can see that squirrel
the old man said
his great work is finding food

God works in mysterious ways
you have to trust and have faith in him
he is watching over you
guiding you loving you the younger man said

is he watching over that squirrel

he loves every living creature

hmm the old man said
so God is a he

not a mortal he the young man said
what he looks like is irrelevant
he’s everywhere and everything
it isn’t like you can take a picture of him

so he’s like that squirrel
it doesn’t sit still long enough
for me to get a picture of it either
the old man chuckled

you can’t actually see God
you just know he’s there the young man said

so do you believe in Santa Claus
the old man asked

I did when I was a kid the young guy said

the Easter Bunny
the Tooth Fairy

yeah when I was little
a basket of candy
and a dollar for a tooth
said the young man

did you ever see any of them in person
the old man asked

no but I think I heard them
a few times
the younger man smiled

so why don’t you believe in Santa
and the Easter Bunny
and the Tooth Fairy now the old man asked

because I matured
got smarter and figured it out
they only exist in the minds of children

hmmm the old man said

but God is different
the young man said

how do you know he’s real
the old man asked

because I believe
the young man said

hmm the old guy said again
kind of like Santa the Bunny and the Fairy

it’s not the same the young man insisted
child minds accept those ideas
grown up minds understand more

some do some don’t the old man said

the Bible tells us how to live
and shows us the way
the younger man said
as if the Bible was proof of God

oh I’ve read that book
and books about Santa
and bunnies and fairies
but that doesn’t mean I believe it all
there are a lot of good books out there
I liked Moby Dick too the old man said

you’re not a believer
the young man said

I believe in myself and humankind in general
and I believe in the trees and clouds
and that squirrel
and I believe in kindness the old man said

that won’t get you to heaven sir
God is good God is great
open your heart to him
and you will be saved
the young man preached

well the old man said
none of us are going to be saved son
but if heaven gives you something to aim for
that’s up to you

then the old man wrestled a worn leather wallet
out of his back pocket
and pulled out a yellowed scrap of paper
and held it out for the young man
who squinted to see the faded writing
My Religion Is Kindness
the young man read out loud

this is my ticket the old man said
I’ve carried it with me
since I was about your age
and I try to live those words everyday

that’s not enough old man
you have to open your heart to God

the old man smiled
I like to open my heart and mind
to everything
if there is a God like you say
I’m already on his radar
he can figure out the rest he said

I’ll pray for you old man
the young man said
starting to walk away

save yourself son
said the old man
I think me and the squirrel
are going to just take our chances

—DL Madsen