King Of Scraps
Norma do you remember
when my appointments are
what appointments Harlan
I wrote em’ down
on a little scrap of paper
ah that explains it
don’t know about any appointments Harlan
oh I’m pretty sure I told you
mmm no Norma said
pretty sure I did
but I don’t suppose you’ve seen
that little scrap of paper anywhere
have ya Norma
are you serious Harlan
you’re the king of scraps
why didn’t you write them on the calendar
that was my plan
guess I got distracted
that I believe
so where were you
I think maybe possibly either
up in the office
or down in the studio
did you look both places Harlan
yeah a bunch of times
then I don’t know what to tell ya Norma said
so I was just wondering
you didn’t happen to move it anywhere
did ya Norma
well you know sometimes
how you move stuff around
just tidying up
I’m not blaming
no Harlan
I didn’t move it
haven’t seen it
that’s what you said about the Amex card too
but somehow it disappeared
maybe got tossed in the trash
good thing I’m in a good mood Harlan
maybe YOU tossed it in the trash
oh I remember clearly
leaving it on the counter for you
in plain sight
but I didn’t see it
which makes you
the last one to see it Harlan
yeah but you do tidy up a lot
only because you drive me crazy
and I don’t drink
ha ha so you’re telling me
you didn’t see that little scrap of paper
while you were tidying up
not that I recall old man
but just for kicks
I’ll help look for it
you rock Norma
pretty sure I was in the office
okay to the studio then Norma said
but I said the office
ya that’s why we’re going to the studio Sherlock
oh reverse psychology Harlan said
sometimes I think you’re my mom
and sometimes I think
you’re my child said Norma
okay we are in the studio
what were you doing
when you made the calls
I might have been
sitting in that chair
or maybe up at the counter
not at this desk Norma asked
it’s a mess with papers
nah I wasn’t over there
what’d you tear it off of Harlan
like a napkin or envelope
maybe a receipt or paper plate
paper plate huh Norma laughed
well can you remember what color
I think blue or pink or maybe white
hmmm not yellow Norma asked
no it wasn’t yellow for sure
blue or maybe pink said Harlan
that’s too bad Norma said
cuz this yellow post it note says
eyes and teeth
with dates and times
NORMA where did you find it
here ya go Harlan
I’ll post it to your forehead
and you are welcome once again
Norma wait
where was it
not now Harlan
I’ve got some tidying up to do
ah Norma you know I was kidding
bye bye Harlan
thanks Norma
I love you
ah that’s sweet dear
maybe you could write that down
on a little scrap of paper somewhere
and hopefully I’ll find it
before I toss it in the trash
love ya Norma
bye Harlan